Nous avons avec les gestionnaires de cette immense base de données des contacts fréquents et très cordiaux. La réponse à une interrogation d’une des participantes de la campagne nous rassure car nous avions quelques craintes de la réaction d’UCLA à cette avalanche de mono-déclaration.
Cette réponse est un véritable encouragement à poursuivre et amplifier notre triste comptabilité.
Hi Sylvie,
I am sorry that our figures are doing weird things. I am sure that the cause is due to the focus on pests instead of weeds (you are the first group to do this) and I suspect that my programmers never quite finished the pest integration (it was added secondarily to the weed system).
I can assure you, though, that everything will be much nicer once we get it on the new system. I am told that January is the month of the big switch, and I have my fingers crossed that everything will go smoothly. I apologize, but I won’t be able to fix anything before then.
We are quite happy that we have been able to provide your ambitious group with a tool to help the inventory. This makes me quite proud!
Happy holidays!
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